Friday, March 25, 2011

Been A Little While...

(Don't have a clue why he's laughing.)
(He's riding on his Thomas the Train.)
But, I've been a little busy. I had back surgery a little over a month ago. I've also had a problem with my wireless internet, and since I can't sit up for more than 20 minutes at a time, blogging from my desktop was a little out of the question. But, I was able to get my wireless working yesterday, and so here I am today.  We've still been taking pictures of the boys, even though I've been a little incapacitated lately. So, here are some of the cutest ones.

These next pictures are so amazing because it took FOREVER for AJ to get into this tent, then even longer to get him to go through the tunnel. I had to get the camera when he finally went through it and then WOULDN'T STOP. 

 Aren't they so cute? I have no idea how I got so lucky to have such a good looking son and stepson.

Also, we went to Nacogdoches Trade Days this past weekend. It was the first time I've been out of the house since I got home from the hospital, with the exception of the appointment for the checkup with the neurosurgeon. I found a beautiful hanging plant that looks great on my front porch. 


And, we got two pets. Please, allow me to introduce Petey and Pablo, our new hamsters.

My parents are coming to visit this weekend. Patrick and his girlfriend, Faith, are coming with them. I'm really excited because I haven't seen Mom since the week after my surgery. It's been even longer since I've seen Dad, and even longer than that since I've seen my little brother (excuse me, younger brother, he hasn't been my little brother since he turned 11).

I was so glad Mom was able to be here to help after my surgery. I couldn't do anything and she was a life-saver, being there to help me take a shower and get up and down out of bed. She also did everything around the house and helped out so much with AJ. Now, I'm able to get around okay by myself, and I can even wash my own hair. Akeem just has to be around in case I get tired or need a hand to get out of the bathtub. Boy, what I wouldn't give for a walk-in shower right now.

The weekend that Mom left, Akeem's sister came down to stay with us and help us out. She's been here the past four weeks. She's really great with AJ and helped me out with washing clothes and keeping the house clean. She's had to go back to Arkansas, but I think she's going to come back in a week or two. Since the surgery, Akeem's been working on the day shift. I think, when she comes back, he'll go back to nights. I know he's ready. There are just too many drivers on day shift and he doesn't seem to get the miles that he did when he worked nights. Plus, he's sleeping habits have been jacked up since the change. It seems like he sleeps the entire time he's at home. He will even fall asleep sitting straight up. It really worries me, even though it is kind of funny.

Speaking of work, I can't wait to get back to it. Even though I'm working from home some, helping out when I can, it's been really hard to just sit and not be productive. I have completed four word search books and two afghans. I've watched every episode of Law and Order: SVU, Law and Order: Criminal Intent, and House.  I've learned how to cook chicken spaghetti and walked around our go cart track so much I can do it with my eyes closed. I've done all that, but I still don't feel like I'm accomplishing anything because I can't be at work. My doctor won't release me to return until after my next checkup, which isn't until almost the end of April. It's frustrating because I have defined myself by my job for so long and it's almost like I don't know what I am now.

Anyway, I'll be back to work as soon as I can and hopefully everything can get back to normal. I will have to take breaks more often. I won't be able to sit behind my desk all day on Wednesday to get cost closed as early as possible. Hopefully, everyone at work will be understanding of my situation. But, all one can do is hope.

I will post again after my fun weekend with my family. Until then...

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